
This module’s scope is to model and fit a parabolic dsitribution to data.

class tuna.models.parabola.parabolic_fitter(noise, unwrapped, center)[source]

This class’s responsibility is to generate parabolic models and the fitting of models to data.

It inherits from the threading.Thread class, and it auto-starts its thread execution. Clients are expected to use its .join ( ) method before using its results.

Its constructor signature is:


  • center : tuple of 2 floats

    Containing the expected center of the interferograph.

  • noise : can

    Contains the noise corresponding to the data.

  • unwrapped : can

    Contains the data to be fitted.


This method’s goal is to generate a numpy array with the current parameters.


This method’s goal is to access the coordinates for the minimum value on each axis, which should correspond to the center.


  • unnamed variable : tuple of 2 integers

    Containing the column and row (respectively) of the center.


This method’s goal is to fit a parabolic model to a given input.