
This module’s scope covers background processes.

class tuna.console.backend.backend[source]

This class’ responsability is to wrap calls for all necessary background processes for Tuna.


This method will launch the ZeroMQ proxy instance and the database on the first time it is called. Subsequent calls are ignored.


b = tuna.console.backend ( )
b.start ( )
class tuna.console.backend.zmq_daemon[source]

This class encapsulates a ZeroMQ proxy running as an independent thread.

It inherits from the threading.Thread class, and it auto-starts its thread execution. Clients are expected to use its .join ( ) method before using its results.

This class is not intended for public use, and therefore its signature is not exposed by default.


from tuna.console.backend import *
tz = tuna.console.backend.zmq_daemon ( )
tz.start ( )

This method is called when the thread object’s start ( ) method is called. It will call this object’s ZeroMQ proxy instance’s run ( ) method.


from tuna.console.backend import *
tz = tuna.console.backend.zmq_daemon ( )
tz.start ( )